Educational Harbor
Private Christian School​
We learn from the Word, not the world!
Accredited by the FCCPSA​

Pray For Ed Harbor
Thank you for your prayers and support!
Thank the Lord that we have a place to hold our school and that we have been continuously open for nearly 10 years!
Praise God for our teachers, admin, and volunteers who put in so many hours of hard work every day!
Pray for God to continue to bring us students and families who need our services
Pray that our current students flourish with ambition, motivation, curiosity, and the drive necessary to love their Ed Harbor experiences.
Pray that all of our students find a friend they can lean on, and a group of students they feel comfortable with and welcomed by.
Pray that our teachers continue to improve in the areas of knowledge and compassion.
Pray that our administration continues to improve in the areas of communication, leadership, strength, and reliance on God.
Thank you!